Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter Dinner

My dad saw this on Rachael Ray, so I modified by taking out the garlic and substituting green onions in the potato bake.

Boneless Lamb Roast and Potato Casserole

Saturday, March 2, 2013

FODMAPS and Inflammation Factor

I created a spreadsheet based on the current research for FODMAPS and inflammatory levels of foods. I have been trying to follow the low fodmap diet with a great deal of success, but I still have a few flare ups, so I would like to try to control my inflammatory response naturally. Hopefully this spreadsheet will prove to be helpful.
Almond milk8 fl.oz.Almond butter2 T.AppleLowInflammatory Factor
Bamboo shoots1/2 c.Blueberries1/2 c.Apricot
Beef3 oz.Blueberry juice1/3 c.Artichoke
Carrots1 mediumCantaloupe1/2 c.Asparagus
Celery1 stalkCranberries, raw1/2 c.Avocado
Chamomile tea8 fl.oz.Green beans1/2 c.Beets
Cherry tomatoes1 c.Green bell pepper1/2 c.Cabbage
Chicken3 oz.Green peas1/2 c.Cauliflower
Chili pepper1 smallHoneydew1/2 c.Cherries
Chives1/2 c.Kiwi1 mediumChicory root
Cucumber1/2 c.Lemon juice1/3 c.Cottage cheese
Dill pickle1 largeLime juice1/3 c.Dehydrated vegetables
Eggplant1/2 c.Okra1/2 c.Garlic
Fish3 oz.Papaya1/2 c.Leeks
Ginger tea8 fl.oz.Peanut butter2 T.Lentils
Green onions (greens only)1/2 c.Pepitas2 T.Mango
Herbs Pine nuts2 T.Mushrooms
Leaf lettuce2 c.Pineapple1/2 c.Nectarine
Margarine1 t.Raspberries1/2 c.Onions
Margarine1 t.Rhubarb1/2 c.Peach
Mung bean sprouts1/2 c.Rutabaga1/2 c.Pear
Olive oil1 t.Sesame seeds2 T.Pistachios
Olive oil1 t.Strawberries1/2 c.Plum
Olives9 largeSunflower seeds2 T.Pumpkin
Olives9 largeSwede1/2 c.Snow peas
Peppermint tea8 fl.oz.Sweet potato1/2 c.Tomato paste
Popcorn, popped2 c.Turnip1/2 c.Watermelon
Potato1/2 c.   
Radishes10 small   
Red bell pepper1/2 c.   
Rice bran2 T.   
Rice cakes, plain3 large   
Rice milk8 fl.oz.   
Rooibos tea8 fl.oz.   
Seafood3 oz.   
Spinach, cooked1/2 c.   
Spinach, raw2 c.   
Summer squash1/2 c.   
Tahini2 T.   
Tahini2 T.   
Tomatoes, canned1/2 c.   
Tomatoes, fresh1 medium   
Winter squash1/2 c.   
Zucchini1/2 c.   
Coconut flour2 T.Bok Choy1/2 c.BeansMedium
Coconut oil1 t.Corn1/2 c.Chickpeas
Coconut water1 c.Fennel bulb1/2 c.Cow milk
Corn or tortilla chips1 oz.Banana, ripe1/2 ripeDehydrated fruits
Corn tortillas6 in.Clementine1 mediumEvaporated milk
Corn, rice, or quinoa pasta1/2 c.Cane sugar1 1/2 T.Fruit juice concentrate
Crackers, rice or corn14 smallCarageenan Goat milk
Egg1 largeCornstarch Ice cream
Grits1/2 c.Dragon fruit1/2 c.Ricotta cheese
Lamb3 oz.Durian1/2 c.Sheep milk
Mayonnaise1 T.Evaporated cane juice1 1/2 T.Soft cheese
Millet1/2 c.Grapefruit juice1/3 c.Sorbitol
Pork3 oz.Grapes1/2 c.Soybeans
Quinoa1/2 c.Guar Gum Whey
Rice, brown or white1/3 c.Jam or jelly1 1/2 T.Yogurt
Soba noodles1/2 c.Maple syrup1 1/2 T. 
Tartar sauce1 T.Nuts1/2 oz. 
Tofu3 oz.Orange1 small 
Turkey3 oz.Orange juice1/3 c. 
Wild rice1/3 c.Prickly pear fruit1 of 
  Sorbet1/2 c. 
  Sucrose soft drink12 fl.oz. 
  Tangelo1 medium 
  Xantham gum  
Amaranth1/2 c.Maltodextrin BarleyHigh or Unknown
Buckwheat1/4 c.Modified food starch Butter
Coconut cream2 T.Rambutan1/2 c.Cream cheese
Coconut milk1/4 c.Resistant starch Crystalline fructose
Cornmeal1/4 c.Wheat starch Fructo-oligosaccharides
Hard Cheese1 oz.  Fructose
Oat bran1/2 c.  High fructose corn syrup
Oat flour1/2 c.  Honey
Oatmeal1/2 c.  Hydrogenated starch
Potato chips1 oz.  Inulin
    Sweetened condensed milk