Friday, June 22, 2012

High Protein Low FODMAP Salad

I confess I am a bit of an improvisor when it comes to cooking. I'm an "on-hand" cook. Leftovers are my canvas; I like to think I am the artist! Sometimes the food is a flop, but I sometimes stumble upon a really delicious dish. This is one of them.

My husband honestly told me he didn't like the Greek Lemon Sauce. I thought it was pretty good, but I didn't want to cook more fish for dinner today. I stared into my refrigerator and wondered what I could possibly do with the 1/2 cup leftover sauce? First stop - the herb garden. I figured a few tablespoons of chopped chives would give it a little more flavor. Next stop - the leftover quinoa. I like to mix white and red to get a nuttier flavor so I usually cook it up in a 50-50 proportion. Throw in a few more leftovers and a can of tuna (you have to try mediterranean tuna) - and here we have a very filling midday pick-me-up!

4 tablespoons Greek lemon sauce with 1 tablespoon snipped chives
1/3 cup quinoa (red and white), cooked
1/4 cup shredded parmesan cheese
2 cup fresh baby spinach, washed and chopped
1 5-ounce can Genova Tonno with olive oil

Toss ingredients together in bowl and serve!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds good to me Cheryl. I'll have to try it!
    Have you been making your own garlic infused olive oil? I've been using it to add more flavor to my meals.
