Monday, June 4, 2012


I spent the first four months of 2012 convinced that vitamin e was my rosacea trigger. The theory held pretty solid for three months, but by April, my symptoms had reappeared with a vengeance. I had reintroduced several low vitamin e foods slowly, but the cumulative affect of whatever the trigger(s) was too much for my system to bear. Ever vigilant at pinpointing my triggers, I began to research other possible culprits. I couldn't help but feel that the return of some gastrointestinal distress might be related. I happened upon a potential link between SIBO (small intestine bacterial overgrowth) and rosacea. While investigating SIBO, I happened upon IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) and a prescribed treatment of following a low FODMAP diet. What's this? Of course, I began looking over this theory by Sue Shepherd and figured I should give it a try. Several of the foods low in FODMAPs are also low in vitamin e - but not all of them. Sue also pointed out that the symptoms occur due to a cumulative effect of FODMAPs in our diet. Hmmmm. The research has already been conducted on irritable bowel syndrome; I am following the diet to see if it will also control my rosacea symptoms. So here we go (again)!

Shepherdworks website and explanation of FODMAPs

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